How to Help Your Relationship Survive a Lockdown
Are you one of those people who have recently noticed that your partner chews or sneezes like an animal? Are you concerned with your partner’s hygiene? By choice or not, the pandemic obliged us to remain with our family or partner until the situation gets normal. However, we have no clue when we can step out.
Ever since coronavirus hit the world, we all have often been asking ourselves a question — how is human civilization going to make it through the pandemic? It has not only put everything at stake but also created global panic and worry. Out of every possible concern in relationships, one of the toughest challenges is thrown by forced proximity.
The virus crisis has also led to a number of psychological consequences for everyone, out of which realistic fears of illness, anxiety from apocalyptic scenarios, financial crises are some of the dramatic personal and professional issues are emerging, for which everyone is looking for answers.
The coronavirus pandemic has changed the pattern of living to an unmanageable level and no one has control over the situation. Quarantined living, on the other hand, is the worst byproduct of the situation which has led people to feel alone or remain in anger or sadness.
It is obvious that no one likes to be forced to live in a certain place for a long time. But it has to be accepted wisely that social distancing and isolation is the only way we are going to get over the situation.
You have to talk to your partner openly and share your feelings and views regarding the situation. On the contrary, if your partner comes out with mental conditions or fears, you have to respect their choices and help them deal with the situation without being critical or judgmental.
You have to admit to their emotions and feelings in the crisis. Being there for each other means that both of you have an equal understanding of each other and are working to eliminate the intensity of negative thoughts and emotions in your life. No doubt it is one of the serious things that we have to get rid of along with the virus.
The only good thing about the situation is that now you have enough time to work on your relationships, be it family or romantic. It has been said at various levels that anxiety and depression are rampant, which people are more likely to take out on each other.
It sounds like a dream for most couples to be stuck under one roof in their own personal space for a specific time frame. However, this actually turned into a nightmare with the spread of coronavirus. We all have heard the stories of couples who have already lost their minds sharing space and living with their partners for such a prolonged time. But to increase your worries, we still have a long time to go!
Probably you are also the one quarantined with your partner for an indefinite time. If you are freaking out about the situation and dealing with continuous stress, then you are not alone. The first thing to accept is that it is absolutely normal to have conflicts or nervous reactions with your partner.
- WHAT ABOUT YOUR SCHEDULE?- Most couples are struggling to maintain a normal routine or schedule at present, which is extremely depressing because in order to have the stability it is better to stick to a schedule. You have to have a discussion with your partner and mutually agree to a schedule that can make things normal for you.
- SEPARATE YOUR PERSONAL AND WORK LIVES: The Coronavirus pandemic has forced people across the globe to work from home. This makes it very difficult to balance your work with personal time. You can start by physically separating your work from your personal life. Designate separate work areas for yourselves.
- Play unique games
- Try to learn more about each other’s interest and hobbies
- Do all the things that you have been planning to do together for a long time
- Redecorate your house
- Work out/meditate or cook together
- Share with each other what’s going on in your lives
As we all know that communication is the key to all relationships, and as you are stuck with your partner for a long time, it is better to have good communication with your partner. You do not have to bring arguments to the table.
Everything is just unpredictable and stressful at present, all you have is each other’s company. Make sure that during quarantine you do not destroy a beautiful relationship with your partner rather than strengthen it and be more compatible than before.
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